We are proud to provide part time employment to local students each summer.
Referees are a big part of our summer
If you are 13 years of age or older and are interested in being a referee
Wyoming & District Soccer is looking for a couple more referees for the 2024 season.
Referees need to be 12 years of age by March 31st, 2024. Once training is completed the training fees are reimbursed by the soccer club. Training consists of online, webinar and in person training. In person training is offered in Sarnia in April.
Our little club is an excellent way to try out refereeing. We have heard from past refs that they love working in Wyoming because our parents and player are respectful and relaxed. Our games are non-competitive and the club is supportive of our referees. Once you are qualified you can also ref for other clubs, we just ask that you keep your Wyoming games a priority. We offer competitive pay.
If you know someone who may be interested in refereeing this summer, please forward them this email. They can contact our Referee Co-ordinator by sending the club a message on Facebook.